Coq 8.3

Coq 8.3

This version comes with many improvements of existing features, especially regarding the tactics, the module system, extraction, the type classes, the program command, libraries, coqdoc. It also includes a new tactic (nsatz, standing for Hilbert's NullStellensatz, that extends ring to systems of polynomial equations) and a few new libraries (a certification of mergesort, a new library of finite sets with computational and logical contents separated). For a full log of changes, see the file CHANGES.

Coq 8.3 is not entirely upward compatible with 8.2. The major incompatibilities can be easily treated by using the new -compat 8.2 option or by setting/unsetting adequate options. See the file COMPATIBILITY for details and migration recommendations.

coq-8.3pl5.tar.gz 3.7 MB
coq-8.3pl5-win-0.exe (bundled with CoqIDE) 49 MB
coq-8.3pl5.dmg 61 MB
coqide-8.3pl5.dmg (Coq bundled with CoqIDE interface) 78 MB
The packages require MacOS ≥ 10.5
0.2 MB
Reference-Manual.pdf 1.5 MB
On Linux, BSD or MacOS package-based distributions, Coq is released by the corresponding maintainers. For reports on the Windows package and the MacOS dmg packages, use the Coq bug tracker.